Have you ever thought about what you would do with 5 more minutes....
Imagine, 5 more minutes on 11/11/2015 could have been all it took to keep those sweet girls here. Just 5 minutes.
Yes, I have played the scenario through my head a million times and probably will a million more, I know I cannot get back those 5 more minutes but, oh what an amazing thought.
They'd graduate higt school. They would ask to drive to the beach by themselves for a week and they'd get an NO. Lets be real. Lezlie said she was gonna stand on LSU field, football field, and actually kick the football. (we all dream). They would get new cars. They would go to college. They would not gain the dreaded freshmen 15. Lezlie could play softball.
They could be anything they wanted if we only had 5 more minutes.
But, reality sets in and we realize it won't happen. It cannot happen. It is too late but, everyone has dreams.
We dream of a peaceful life, a job with friends we love, a happy home life. Some of dream of that 5 more minutes even if it isn't going to happen.
We all dream. We can all almost achieve all of our dreams. Us grieving parents cannot achieve that 5 more minutes but I promise you this, its okay to wish. It is okay to hope. It is okay to imagine that even though we still need our babies here on earth, God needed a few of them even more.
Even though we miss them, take heart in knowing they did fight the good fight, regardless of the time, regardless of the questions we have unanswered and, the hurt we still feel, God needed them more.
Isaiah 40:29 "He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless."
