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Writer's pictureCarrie Whitehead


Tonight, I want everyone to pray. Well, hopefully you have established a good prayer routine but, say an extra one. You can say it for me but definitely keep sweet Nat in your prayers as she treks back to St Judes for her repeat MRI. (even though she is done with know nat keeps everyone on their toes.)

What you don't know is DIPG. Yes, it sucks but, God and Nat got this. God can move mountains and we sure are praying hard for this one to move.

DIPG well, it sucks. (I will probably remind you all of this).

Yes it is rare. But, instead of funding all the preventable stuff (I will not name because people always wear feelings on their sleeve) lets FUND childhood cancer. Lets give as much consideration and time to childhood cancer as some of this other mess that is PREVENTABLE. (use your imagination).

What does it mean? DIPG is diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, please refrain for webmd and use St Judes for your research. It is found in the pons and this is the part that controls things like breathing, swallowing, vision and balance.

Enough of that. Look it up and look up. God and Nat got this. But, pray hard for a safe trip. Pray hard that they make it without problems and, pray for the doctors and nurses to continue to do everything they can for Nat. Pray for John, Mandy, Lauren, Chelsea and baby E. Pray for a positive MRI. Pray for treatment plan that is the best ever. Pray hard. Pray everyday and hey, pray a million times a day. PRAY PRAY PRAY. The power of prayer is amazing.

If we all had the fight that this sweetheart had could you imagine the things we could do or that could be accomplished. If we had the faith that she has, just imagine the world would be so awesome too. If we all can come together because of a diagnosis, why can't we all come together without one. If you don't follow her story you need to. She amazes us everyday. She is a fighter. She is a warrior and she is a 15 year old with a touch of sass like they all have.

So, pray. Pray for Nat. Pray hard and pray as much as you can. God listens. God and Nat got this.

Joshua 1:9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

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The righteous perish, and no one takes it to heart;  the devout are taken away, and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil.  Those who walk uprightly enter into peace, they find rest as they lie in death.

Isaiah 57:1-2

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