There will be quite a few blogs about people.
Zach, or bubba as Lezlie liked to say, was total opposite of Lezlie.
Lezlie was a people person, Zach only likes a few people.
Lezlie was a social butterfly, Zach is only social when he needs or wants to be.
They both make friends easy and have them all over the world. True story.
Lezlie loved to ride with her bubba in his truck even if it was just down the road.
(or to the mailbox).
Lezlie loved hanging out with her bubba when she could. They rode 4 wheelers together, terrorized each other and, just hung out.
Lezlie could tell you many of his faves, including his favorite Metallica song and how she knew. She was the singer for rock band.
Lezlie still hangs out with her bubba. She messes with his tv. She messes with his pictures and she even messes with his lights. She loves to remind him she is still with him.
There were times they probably wanted to punch each other but, what brother and sister don't. More often than not, they loved being together.
She loved the beach. He loved to stay indoors but, he would swim in the evening with her and there was that one time he made sure to watch her and Mal the whole beach trip. Keeping them safe. Big brother attitude.
He may not show it but, he misses Lucy Lou just as much as the rest of us and maybe even more than some of us. I guarantee she cannot wait to see him and I bet the feelings mutual.
Never forget the siblings because they have lost something too.
2 Corinthians 5:7 "For we live by believing and not by seeing."
