Some have no idea what that word means. I, absolutely do and, celebrate that day.
It is the anniversary date that my sweet girl got her wings. November 11, 2015.
Its not just the day to me, it is something I try and have others do things to remember her by or in her honor.
Be nice. By someone's meal. Open a door. Put groceries in a car. Simple things. Kind things. Things Lezlie would do.
Yes, it is a difficult time of year.
Talk about our angels to us.
For us, we need to talk about them. We may need to scream, cry, hit something, write a letter, or something to express feelings.
Plant a tree. Donate to St. Jude's (I love when people do that because my most awesome cousin works there and I know she loves it too).
Release balloons. Visiting her at her resting place or the site she got her wings. Write a blog. That is the promise I made and so far, I have kept it.
Hold a ceremony. We did that on the one year anniversary and on the 5 year, I feel that something will be done again.
Have me time., Yes, it is important.
Memories. Look through pictures, videos, letters. Remember.
Some may not celebrate that day but, I do something because it is the day she gained her wings and that is something that we all should strive for.
Remember, November 11,2015.
Psalm 112:6 “Surely he will never be shaken. The righteous man will be remembered forever.”
