You know, many times people say they don't understand why you go visit the cemetery daily, they aren't there.
She isn't at home in her room and yet, I go there.
She isn't gracing the softball field anymore and yet, I go there.
She is not at the MAC or ULTA store and yet, I go there.
She is not at Taco Bell and yet, I go there.
She is not in the woods hunting and yet, I go there.
She is not in the car jamming to whatever had a good beat and yet everyday, I am in the car.
She is not at the dinner table, family gatherings, vacations and yet, I go there.
She is not at the beach and yet, I go there.
Yes, she is in Heaven and her earthly body is no more but until I am no longer here, I will still go where she isn't and you know why, she was there for a moment and I bet she is in all the places when I am or when anyone else is.
She is everywhere even if she isn't really there.
Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is assurance of things hoped for, a conviction of things not seen."
