Some people think we change because of grief but, grief changes us.
There are days I think about how much life has changed because Lezlie is not here. Well, truth is, it has.
I imagine things would be totally different if it would have just been a bad accident she actually survived.
Would I work where I do? Probably not.
Would I have the life I have and the people? I can't say yes or no and that is because, my life would be different. I would probably spend every minute I could with her.
How would she be? I can't say but, if she was able she would be living life to the fullest because she was live to live it.
Change is something most of us anticipate and most of us do not look forward to unless it is something we were expecting or wanting. Still, it is scary.
It was scary realizing we were starting over without Lezlie. How would I answer how many children do you have? Two, always two.
It is scary still thinking I have to keep this halo when at times I feel it will surely fall off because of life and people in it. People that have no concept of decency. Self centered people. Liars, manipulators, etc. People in general.
At the end of the day I sit and I say you know what, that halo has to stay put to get to Lezlie and the change made then is the one I need to keep on my journey.
Change is scary and change is inevitable.
Make your change one that is for your good and if you experience a change that involves a tragedy, change for the better when you have to start over or, continue on. Just remember God never changes.
Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever."