When you sit and think about the class of 2018, you cannot help but tear up when you realize that 3 of their classmates are no longer on this earth.
Mallory was one of Lezlie's best friends. They were part of a three best friend group that included Bethany. They had silly nicknames for each other. They had the best stories, like that one time they locked Mallory in the closet, plus more.
Mallory came across as quiet. But, she wasn't as quiet as people think. She fit right in when we took them to the beach. Singing to the radio with the other three, sitting outside playing monopoly and, me getting that once of a lifetime throw up experience with her. We won't go into detail. I do remember Lezlie saying to me, calm as can be, "...thats normal for her, she does it all the time". I was thinking What?
She loved mud riding with Lezlie. They spent the weekends here 4 wheeler riding and hanging out with Zach.
Mallory was definitely a lot tinier than Lezlie. But, she had a lot of heart and character. She didn't eat as much as Bethany, but she could eat.
I remember when she hurt her ankle and Lezlie made sure we made her a blanket. She said she needed it.
I talk a lot about Lezlie, but Mal was just as important. I do her graveside flowers. I kind of go with the same theme for them both. I especially put extra pink out at certain times since the loved that color.
I remember how heartbreaking it was to lose Lezlie, and it was just as heartbreaking to lose her best friend. What I do know is they are together. Just like down here. Patiently waiting for us and man, they have a ton of people to look out for. They actually have another classmate with them, all I remember was Lezlie called him Whitworth but, I know Hayden is with them. Lezlie still may be the tallest but, they are together. Lezlie loved her friends. Its so heartbreaking to not have her here but, she has a couple friends with her and it doesn't make anything easier but, its good to know she isn't alone. Not that they'd be alone there but, you need friends.
I know Hayden's heart broke when he lost his two friends just as I know those other classmates had a broken heart as well. One thing I know is this group of friends were very close and a class that size, well it had to break your heart when you realized they were no longer going to snapchat, fb, text or Instagram you.
Theres nothing as heartbreaking as losing your child. But, to sit and think of all the heartache their class has been through well, that is enough to make you pray just a little harder for those remaining. They have faced many trials and some have come out stronger than ever. But, I can guarantee not a day goes by that all three are not missed or remembered.
A lot of times people complain about how bad they have it but, if you still have your kids(all of them) and aren't fighting depression related to the death of one or anger because of sickness, be thankful. Just as you'd be thankful for waking up. Just as you'd be thankful for God allowing you to know three teens that are now in his army. Thank him. I know it seems harder to do than say but, I promise you one day, one day you will be with them.

Psalm 107:29 "He made the storm be still."