Besides the things like eating, sleeping and energy, it also changes our personalities.
We may be more irritable, less patient, absolutely no tolerance for others "small problems". After all, getting divorced is nothing like losing a child.
We become forgetful. We cannot concentrate. We cannot focus.
We become ANTISOCIAL or we isolate ourselves.
We feel like outcast. Yes, I can vouch for this one.
Relationships with family, friends, etc. change.
We are more anxious, afraid.
We will always feel like something is missing. Always.
The trauma we experienced with the loss will always be with us. Its a different form of PTSD and trust me, that sucks.
We do not perceive life as fair.
But, not all of the changes are bad.
We will learn to be closer to others. We will gain new friends. We have a whole new meaning to "sweating the small stuff".
We may be more compassionate or understanding.
We can fix things that are broken in us when we rebuild from the bottom up.
We can show the world our independence, resilience.
But one thing it will never change, we lost a piece of our heart and it will never be whole again. We will always miss our sweet angel, we will grieve forever.
Romans 8:26 "The Holy Spirit fights for you."
