....grief that is.
Grief is a natural human response to the loss of someone we love so much.
It doesn't ever go away. Normally, they say it gets better and doesn't interrupt things but, there is something that they call Complicated Grief.
The pain doesn't ease up. It gets worse or deeper. The emotions don't go away when they say they are supposed too.
They prevent you from living because of the loss.
Its severe and persistent grief still around after 12 months to be diagnosed. I am going on 4 years, yeah, its complicated.
Of course, theres all these studies etc but when it affects your life major, its complicated. Its feeling you've lost a part of yourself, after all you did. Its not being happy. The thing is, when it first happens these things are normal but after a year, not so much. WHY? You cannot just get over it.
Basically, I feel like I have PTSD. Its awful. Its falling apart and not knowing what to do and you can't have anyone help you because, you don't know what to do!
But, the majority of us won't ask for help. Its normal for us to feel this way so we usually go with the flow. Healthy or not.
Complicated or not, it happens. It happens to people you may even know. Its hard to explain how back this journey is or how awful you feel. But, I bet you could look at us and tell because, we eventually get tired of hiding. I am.
Sometimes you have to try and figure out how to fix you to deal with the grief and as hard as that sounds and is, sometimes its necessary. Take the time to fix you and try and get a handle on it before you end up at the bottom. Its no fun down there, you lose everything and everyone and, it can happen more than once.
Keep your memories alive and cherish them but do not let this overwhelm you. I speak from experience. It can be life changing and not in a good way.
Joshua 1:9 "Be strong and courageous."