God needed another angel but yet, you still have yours.
God has a plan.... as if God's plans for you mimicked those of a fairy tale.
Everything happens for a reason, give me one good reason I buried my child yet you still have yours.
Hang on to hope.....if you can still find/see your rope.
Time heals all wounds - grief has absolutely NO timetable.
God needed another flower for his garden especially if he never plucked any flowers from your garden.
Find peace and move on.....if you haven't had to see your child lifeless.
She is in a better place...as if a better place than holding her tight, hugging her isn't the best place.
You can have another child.....as if you would exchange your living child for one you "might" have.
Every cloud has a silver lining.....especially if you have weathered the storm my cloud has given me.
It is God's will....if his plan for you is to keep your children and watch them grow.
These words are supposed to be said to help comfort us but, they bring way more pain than you can imagine.
Lets offer a hug, a prayer, share a memory, an old picture we have never seen or, just sit in silence and be with us. Ask questions, say their name. Anything to let us know that their memory is alive with you and you won't forget them. Anything to let us know that they actually LIVED. Death of a child is not something that can be made beautiful. Remember, thats the best comfort to be given. If you didn't know her/him as well as others ask, I guarantee you will know them from the stories, memories, etc.
2 Corinthians 5:7 "For we walk by faith, not by sight."