People never realize how important talking about your child is. Even if they are not here on Earth, we want to talk about them. If your child does something pretty awe inspiring, we want to tell you what ours did one time.
Lezlie was pretty amazing. Lezlie was named after a really good friend, Lezlie Ward. Why, you ask, is she not included on those friend posts? Well, she is just that wonderful she is included right here.
Lezlie Ward has been a friend of mine for years. She is such a wonderful person, inside and out. How fitting for my sweet angel to have her name. You cannot find a better nurse, mother, friend, etc. She knows that a text or a hug is always something needed. If you were not lucky enough to know my sweet Lezlie, then you need to be lucky enough to know this one. Lezlie loved Lezlie and vice versa. We still love her and are so grateful for her.
Back to the angel Lezlie. Ann was a middle name that combined my aunt Sinda and Mimi, Bertha. What an awesome name - Lezlie Ann. When she was old enough to realize what her initials would stand for, LAW, she thought that was awesome.
She was loving. If she did not like you, you were either a very dishonest or untrustworthy person, or, you did something to upset someone she loved. That was something you did not want to do, ever.
She was a go getter.
She was not a quitter. She played softball and actually wanted to quit in the middle of season one time and we (her daddy and I) told her absolutely not. We did not raise a quitter. She played her heart out until she was no longer with us. I remember when she played tournament ball and hurt her ankle sliding how upset she got she could not practice sliding for a while.
She was a best friend. The best you could ever have. She would do anything to help her friends. She loved people. She loved making friends.
She was silly. She liked to laugh and make others laugh.
She was her own person. She had a style that she loved. Leggings and her daddy's big t shirts. Socks that did not match and she even wore them with chacos. She loved her some converse. Enough said about that. I am sure she had almost every color.
Makeup, well she would tell you straight up that she wasn't no girly girl but, she would wear it.
Her favorite fall asleep thing when she was little, and I mean little but could talk was, hold my feet. But when she was 15 and would say it, well impossible. I told her one night she would have to sleep at the foot of the bed for that to happen. She loved to climb in the bed after I would fall asleep. She was a good snuggler.
She was a deer slayer. I am sure y'all have seen the pictures. But I bet no one knew her deer killing secret. Thats one for another day.
Lezlie was Lezlie. She was not like anyone else. If you knew her you were one of the lucky ones. If you did not, I know you would have loved her. I will do my best the next few days to keep her memory really alive by sharing stories. All I know is I wish everyone would have had the chance to know and love our Sweet Lezlie Ann.
Luke 18:16 "Jesus said, let the little children come to me."