I have always heard tears are just memories that sneak out of the corner of your eyes. I know some of us have way more memories that sneak up on us than we can handle at times.
Memories. They can make or break us. Losing a child, at times you feel the memories will break you but, they also hold you together.
I have a ton of memories of my children. Lezlie always has a way of showing up. Scents. Touches. Memories.
She believed the tooth fairy wore a blue dress, she swore she saw her one night. Maybe she did. I do not know how to answer that and I do know no one in the house that was the tooth fairy wore a blue dress.
She loved the beach. She also loved swimming.
She loved her family. She loved her friends.
She loved softball. She loved LSU. We were at a game and she told me point blank, one day she would be on that field and I was like what. She said she was going to be the kicker for the team. Hey, everyone can dream.
She could never open a childproof bottle. I have the video to prove that.
She got so mad at me and Bethany that she didn't get to eat that key lime pie but, she forgave us.
She was so excited to go into the M.A.C. store she waited at the glass doors in Baton Rouge until they opened.
She loved being a tomboy but, she did own the Urban Decay Naked 2 palette and, she used it.
Memories, they hold us together even when they almost break us down. Make memories. Take pictures. Tell your people you love them and, show them.
Psalm 23:3 "He refreshes my soul...."
