Have you ever heard the saying about not crossing an ocean for someone that wouldn't cross a puddle for you?
How easy is it to do? Very. Why? Not everyone has a good heart and sometimes, you get burned by people you would cross every ocean for but, do it.
Why? You are supposed to love everyone, doesn't matter if they are worthy of the love or not. Love them. Cross that ocean. Climb that mountain. Remember that life is not about gaining but giving.
Lezlie would have given anything to help anyone. If you could see how many people loved her and how many want to be loved like she was and to love like she did, you would not be amazed. Especially if you knew her.
Everyone should have a giving heart.
People come and go and some people leave more heartache than happiness but, love them anyway.
Love them even when you do not feel they are deserving because everyone is.
There are people that I have encountered that have a gaining heart and not a giving one and my thoughts are they have to live with themselves, I do not. I do not have to live with their wicked heart they do.
Thats a good enough reason for me to cross that ocean even if its someone I haven't talked to in forever or someone that would not cross one for me but, I have prayed for them.
Romans 12:2 "Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world."