In the midst of all the heartache etc., things can go a little bit your way.
Like the fact that I did get the car tag I have had for 3 years and did not have to go and explain why that car tag was important.
When you get your steak at a restaurant and it is cooked just right. (that is something few and far between but when it is right, its right).
Even though life throughs you a curveball every so often, sometimes a curveball that you cannot imagine recovering from, things can go right.
Like realizing that not saying not to something or someone may just be the best thing you can do. (no explanation needed, some will know what I mean).
When you don't expect something to go right, it probably won't. Sometimes you have to have faith and you have to believe and yes, it is harder to do than say (or type) but, it can be done.
Faith it til you make it. A little faith goes a long way. Sometimes you will hear people say they have lost all faith in everything and yes, it happens and it happened to me but, it can be gotten back. You just have to believe. Faith can move mountains. Faith can do some amazing things and bring that right you are looking for back to you just once (or twice).
So, in the midst of trials and chaos etc., look for the right to happen because it will. Nothing can every overcome the heartache you feel when you lose your child but, it is okay to have a smile when something does go right. Trust me.
Hebrews 11:1 "Faith is confidence."