It may have been a really good thing that my phone stayed by itself for over 24 hrs. Why? Sweet Gracie sent me a link to a song and let me just say this, it was a tear jerker.
Listen to Jersey on the Wall by Tenille Townes and you will understand why. It hit hard and it had me crying, like ugly crying.
Why, Lezlie's jersey is hanging on the wall in the gym at Benton Academy. It is in a box that the sweet lady from Hobby Lobby fixed up for me. It is still hanging on the wall. It still hits hard when I walk into that gym.
Lezlie was loved. Lezlie is loved.
If you listen to the song there are quite a few parts that hit hard and, I will let you listen and decide.
Kind of like You should be here. There is a line that states you'd be taking way too many pictures on your phone.....then at the end of the video (about 4-5 months after the song came out I listened to it and watched the video), Cole breaks down at his dads grave. I am still waiting for the meet and greet to give that young man a hug. We both need it.
Songs, they can hit hard or do nothing. But, even the ones that shouldn't will hit me hard. I found that out a few weeks ago.
I still know that if the church ever sings Oceans, I am out...that one I know I could not handle.
Every song has a meaning to its writer and its singer and, listener. It could be tears or laughter, depends on the listener.
Psalm 112:6 "For he will never be shaken; The righteous will be remembered forever."
