I used to be one of the people that post thanks the month of November then i realized there’s 11 other months to give thanks.
Besides, every store in American is focused on Christmas. What is thanksgiving.
The month of November is not my favorite. I absolutely dislike November. Yea, I got friends with birthdays but I got a child that died in November and I almost hate the month.
I always start the first day completely overwhelmed and stressed out. I always fear the worst and after the past two days I am thinking what next.
I don’t like November and I will not like any I’m thankful for statuses because the other 11 months deserve the same Be thankful always. Not just November.
Let me explain that I may sound angry, mad or bitter and I am. I am in November. I have a lot to be thankful for but I have a lot that I hate. I hate dreading a day and the fact that two holidays are coming up and I cannot share them with her She loved this time of year.
If I seem angry or mad or bitter or upset or have an attitude. It’s justified. Don’t question me. Don’t ignore what is going on and do not tell me I will be okay and should be thankful. This month is absolute hell. The sooner it’s over the sooner is better.
I won’t be on fb this month. This blog is added to fb without even logging in to it and, someone else posts my pics. Be thankful all you want but don’t forget the other 11 months God allows you to grace the earth. Waking up in April is just as good as November. Be thankful always. And pray for me. I’m gonna need it.
Ephesians 5:20 “Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;”