You know what really sucks about child loss, the fact that others will forget.
The difference between everyone else and those close to Lezlie, we won't.
We won't forget that she said the tooth fairy wore a blue dress.
We won't forget that she loved vans then converse. She loved oversized t shirts and leggings. She is still wearing her oversized tee, Victoria's Secret leggings and mismatched socks. All she was missing was a bun.
We won't forget she loved peanut butter snickers. She loved Baja blast freezes from taco belle along with a #7.
We won't forget that she loved a Big Mac and could eat two.
She loved LSU.
She loved her family. She loved her friends.
She loved softball.
She loved Starbucks caramel frapuccino.
We won't forget her laugh. We won't forget her smile. We won't forget her stinky softball feet.
That is the difference between grieving parents and the world, we will NEVER FORGET!
Psalm 56:3 "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you."