You know when people reach out to you to talk to someone else about what to expect after the death of their child, I never do the typical replies.
Time will not heal this wound.
It will never be Okay.
You cannot just move on as easily as people think.
God doesn't only take the best.
This is actually the most heart wreathing, terrifying, never ending thing you will even endure.
There will be days you want to die and there will be days that people will not understand things you say or do, all this is normal. I still do all the above.
You will feel your child's presence at times as strong as if there are still there with you. You will see them, hear them, smell them, feel them. Yes it does happen.
Your life will never be the same. It will not go back to how it used to be regardless of what others say to you.
The pain may never go away but, your soul will learn to deal with all the emotions, etc and you will be able to hold it all together.
Truth is, words are useless at first. No matter how many words you hear, at first they are pointless.
The I love you's, I am praying for you, I am here for you's, they will be useless until it all sinks in. Until reality hits you and you realize that this never ending nightmare is the worst kind of nightmare, the one thats real. That is when the words will matter. That is when the prayers are needed and the reaching out because someone said they would be there for your regardless, happens/matters.
But right now, right when its fresh to you, words won't matter. Just remember this that when the time comes and you need to hear the absolute truth regarding this new normal you are in, I will be here to help you because one thing I know all to well is child loss and living afterwards.
Isaiah 40:29 "He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak."
