Just because I lost my child doesn't mean you have better favor with God.
Just because my life got a little harder doesn't mean your life is better.
Just because I work a little harder to have money to just spend, you aren't better than me.
You will never be better than me. You can be equal to me and I can be equal to you but, no one is better.
No one has more favor with God, he doesn't work like that.
Us parents that lost our children aren't being punished. Everyone has a time stamp on their head and it doesn't mean my angel is gonna be better than yours, it just means he needed her a little sooner for his army.
It doesn't mean I am better than you. If it did, I wouldn't still be mad, sad, angry, hurt, frustrated, heartbroken, and every other word you can think of in between there.
We aren't to question him. So, don't. Just stop thinking that you are better than the rest of us because you still have your family. What most people don't realize is this, some people that have their lives together in public and on fb, the ones that you feel are better than you, they don't have them together in private. But, you aren't better than them either.
God is for us but, he doesn't show us favor. Do what he leads you to do and stop thinking you are better, you aren't.
1 Corithians 13:10 "but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away."