Fear. Everyone has experienced some type of fear.
Some fear failure. Some people even fear success.
Some fear life. Some fear death.
People fear commitment or relationships because maybe, they had a bad one.
But, fear can and will keep you from living.
My fear is driving or riding in any kind of vehicle.
I experience it when I get in my car and go anywhere. After you lose someone in an accident, a car accident, you start to notice that there are many people that have no concept for safety. They pull out in front of you. Tailgate you. Swerve all over the road. Drive to slow. Drive to fast, etc.
I am pretty sure I am the worst person in the world to ride with or drive with. I criticize every single thing someone does. No blinkers. No headlights. No brake lights. No seatbelt. No carseat. I can probably spot anything someone else does. I even catch myself doing things at times and think, wow that was dumb.
But my fear is related to my loss. So, even though I may get in the car and go, go, go, it doesn't mean I am not scared too. But, I know I need to live. And yes, guilt eats me up at times so bad I want to jump off a cliff but, I live anyway. Because Lezlie would want me to live.
Fear is a liar, just like the song says.
He will take your breath
Stop you in your steps
Fear, he is a liar
He will rob your rest
Steal your happiness
So live. Take that car ride. Take that job interview. Take that first date. Take that relationship step because, one day you'll wish you did as you are alone and remembering how you let Fear steal your happiness.
Isaiah 41:10 "Do not fear for I am with you."