Have you ever felt like you have a curse on you?
Since 11/11/2015, I have had moments where I truly feel, someone needs to take me to get the curse off of me.
It is like this, you think things are finally going great then out of nowhere, something happens. Theres a kink in the plans yet again.
Sometimes it is like you are paying for someone else's stupid mistakes and honestly, how much more can you take. It isn't your mistake so why does it keep messing with your life, happiness, plans....you get the point.
Sometimes it feels like you cannot win for losing. You know what, it is almost so bad that you honestly feel like just throwing in the towel but, I honestly think about when we told Lezlie she could never quit and, I then don't.
I didn't raise a quitter. But, that doesn't stop the quitting feeling coming over me.
I am not talking about life here either so please do not think I need an intervention, I am talking about other things in life.
I am basically saying that I am sure it is normal to feel like you have voodoo doll laying on a table somewhere and wanting the curse lifted, even though thats probably far fetched.
Just don't get to where you want to quit at life all together. I think he does give his hardest battles to his strongest and yes, I am praying he realizes I have fought enough.
Life is hard. Nothing good is gained from quitting but, a break every now and then would be appreciated.
Philippians 3:14 "I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."
