Have you ever heard something about someone and just assumed it was true.
I took the opportunity to talk to someone that others have based an opinion on and you know what, I am so glad I did. This person turned out to be everything others said they were not.
Some people can make assumptions that us grieving parents are crazy, insane, etc because of the way we grieve. Well, we are none of the above. We are just living our new normal. And you know what, it SUCKS but, do not assume anything about us.
One thing I learned from my kids is that if they said something about someone, it is probably true. They never judged people wrongly or believed what others said. They always did what they could to find out what someone was really like. If it turned out the person was like others stated, well, at least they knew they tried.
Life is so hard and if you go around believing everything negative about someone, well, it makes it harder for some.
Take for instance, we should never bury our kids but some of us have and some may have too. It's sad.
Do not assume that it won't happen to you, I pray it does not but, it may.
Just think before you follow. Sometimes situations make people appear how they are not.
I am so glad I took the time to find out if what was said was true or not. Going with the flow will cost you many things.
Psalm 111:10 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom."