As school starts back, Friday nights can get super busy and super overwhelming.
Football games, high school students getting together with family, friends and then Saturday comes. College football.
It gets harder as the years go by because Lezlie loved socializing with her friends. She loved family events. She loved football games and pep rally time, halftime and even LSU on Saturday night.
I try to go to an LSU game every year and I especially try to make it at Death Valley because she loved that placed.
I think the summer before the accident we visited Tiger Stadium just to drive by and take pictures a million times. I am sure you have seen those pictures, if not, you will.
As Friday night starts back to the high school routine, pray for those that can no longer attend with their angels, they need it. I still need it.
It isn't the same to hear her yelling you got this, good job, etc. I have videos of her cheering her softball girls on from the dugout. That sweet voice encouraging her teammates. Nothing beats that sound, besides the sound of laughter or "momma".....
Enjoy your Friday nights and every other day you get with your kids.....tomorrow is never promised.
Luke 12:25 "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life."