Love can be positive and amazing. Unfortunately, it can also cause the worst kind of pain.
The most painful kind of love is grief.
Grief is love and confusion that is caused by not knowing how to love someone who is gone. Grief can be love's frustration, bitterness, anger, and even resentment at the destruction caused by death.
Grief can be love realizing, if it in fact whats to thrive, it has to be creative and find new ways to connect and to be fulfilled.
It is love's unwillingness to give up. It is creating a space where you can love someone in their eternal presence.
Grief may seem more like a nightmare than love. I don't believe on days that grief is any kind of love. But, its memory shared or something someone does in support of you and your fiend that reminds you that yes, grief is love. The harder and stronger the love the harder the grief.
Grief is the continued expression of love. It lets us understand that we do not have to give up or let go. We do not have to forget or leave loved ones in the past.
It is love with no place to go. So, we have to give our love a place to go. Love with words, deeds and with actions. Give love to those that have lost the most, hurt the most and love them that much more or harder.
Grief never leaves. It lasts forever.
Grief is love unfinished.....and, love never fails.
Psalm 56:8 "Tears are prayers too. They travel to God when we can't speak."
