Most people do not realize how important 11/11 is. I think they just forget.
It is important to me because it is a day my life was forever changed.
It is a day that my sweet Lezlie became an Angel.
Yes, I celebrate that day with cakes and cookies and all kinds of things because, no one needs to forget.
It is really sad when people just act like its another day. Sure, there are those that have no clue what I am talking about until now, it those that should know.
Those that are supposed to be supportive.
Those that forget I need someone the whole day and not just part of it. The whole weekend. This whole week.
I need good things to be said and to be done. I need memories told and pictures shared.
I need to know its important and not just to me.
She was my baby and she is my baby.
She IS important, always!
2 Corinthians 5:7 "I will walk by faith even when I can not see."