Have you heard the song called Nobody by Casting Crowns, if not, you need to.
It talks about how God took a Nobody to spread his word. Just imagine, you may think that you are a nobody but, you are somebody to God and I guarantee someone else.
Last year I did not attend softball games etc., like I promised I would. Today, for the first time I actually attended a tournament and it is amazing how much I have missed it.
It is amazing the people that you see that are just genuinely happy to see you, especially the students.
Its amazing that a nobody is somebody to people besides God and how my sweet Lezlie was a somebody to way more people than I can ever imagine, after all, she has a field named after her.
I certainly wish it was different circumstances but, it is still amazing the love she is still shown.
After all, my little Lezlie was a big SOMEBODY.
I Corinthians 13:3 "If I don't have love I get nothing at all."
